• 1 pkg Searay Fish Puff, rinsed under hot water
  • 20 g dried lily flower, soaked
  • 15 g fungus, soaked
  • 20 g carrot, diced
  • 8 pc dried mushrooms, soaked
  • 1 pkg yam noodles, soaked
  • 1 can baby corn, sectioned
  • 200 g siu choy, sectioned
  • 200 g broccoli, sectioned
  • 6 slices ginger
  • 1 stk green onion, sectioned

Tofu Fish | Fish Tofu | Lobster Ball


  1. Thaw fish puff, rinse and blot dry
  2. Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a wok
  3. Saute ginger pieces
  4. Stir fry lily flower, fungus, dry mushroom, add fish puff, carrot, yam noodle, siu choy, broccoli and 1 tsp salt
  5. Stir fry well
  6. Transfer to an earthen pot, add half cup of water
  7. Cook for 5 minutes
  8. Finally add baby corn and green onion
  9. Serve hot from pot


  • 1 盒  海威魚腐, 用熱水洗過
  • 20 克  金針, 浸透洗凈
  • 15 克  雲耳, 浸透洗凈
  • 20 克 甘荀, 去皮切塊
  • 8 隻  冬菇, 浸透洗凈
  • 1 盒  芋絲, 濾去水
  • 1 礶  粟米仔, 切段
  • 200 克  紹菜, 切段
  • 200 克  西蘭花, 切朵
  • 6 片  
  • 1 棵  葱, 切段



  1. 熱鑊落油3湯匙, 炒香羗片
  2. 加入金針,雲耳,冬菇, 炒勻
  3. 再加入魚腐,甘荀,芋絲,紹菜, 西蘭花
  4. 落鹽,糖各1茶匙, 炒勻
  5. 轉入瓦煲中, 加入半杯水, 煮5分鐘
  6. 最後加入粟米仔及葱, 即可原煲上桌供食