• 1 pkg Searay Spanish Mackerel Steak
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 2 slices ginger
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed
  • 1 stalk green onion, sectioned
  • 2 tbsp cooking oil
  • 1 tsp cornstarch
  • 2 tbsp water


  • ½ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp soy sauce


  1. Thaw Spanish mackerel steak
  2. Blot dry
  3. Marinate with 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp pepper
  4. Cut tomato into bite size pieces
  5. Add oil into heated wok
  6. Saute ginger and garlic
  7. Fry king fish steak until stiff, turn over and fry the other side
  8. Add tomato and seasoning, cook for 1 minute
  9. Add cornstarch with water and bring to a boil
  10. Garnish with green onion
  11. Plate up and serve.


  • 1包  海威交魚扒
  • 2個  番茄
  • 2片  羌
  • 1粒  蒜頭,拍扁
  • 1棵  蔥,切段
  • 2湯匙  油
  • 1茶匙 粟粉
  • 2湯匙 


  • ½ 茶匙  鹽
  • 1茶匙  糖
  • 1茶匙  生抽


  1. 把交魚扒觧冰
  2. 洗凈然後吸乾
  3. 用鹽,胡椒粉,各半茶匙塗勻魚扒
  4. 把番茄切塊
  5. 熱鑊落油2湯匙
  6. 爆香羌,蒜頭
  7. 煎魚扒至硬身, 反轉再煎片刻
  8. 加入番茄及調味品, 煮1分鐘
  9. 用1茶匙粟粉開2湯匙水埋芡
  10. 煮滾, 加入葱段, 兜勻
  11. 上碟供食