• 1 pkg  Searay Golden Pompano (1.5 lbs)
  • 2 tbsp  shredded ginger
  • 1 stk celantro, diced
  • 1 stk green onion, diced
  • 2 slices ginger


  • 2 tbsp black bean
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 2 tsp minced garlic
  • 2 tsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt


  1. Thaw fish, gut, rinse, and blot dry
  2. Cut 3 slits on the fish and smear with potato starch
  3. Season fish with half teaspoon pepper and insert ginger slices into the stomach
  4. Place fish on a plate and cover with seasoning ingredients
  5. Add shredded ginger, green onion, red chili peppers
  6. Place plate on a rack on top of boiling water
  7. Steam for 10 minutes
  8. Garnish with cilantro


  • 1 包  海威金倉魚(黄立倉), 約1.1/2磅
  • 2 湯匙  羌絲
  • 1 棵  芫茜, 切粒
  • 1 棵  葱, 切粒
  • 1 隻  紅辣椒, 切粒
  • 2 片  羌


  • 2 湯匙  豆豉
  • 1 湯匙  生抽
  • 2 湯匙  油
  • 2 茶匙  蒜茸
  • 2 茶匙  糖
  • 1 茶匙  鹽


  1. 將魚解冰,劏去肚內腸臟,洗淨,吸乾水份
  2. 在魚身上三刀,用1茶匙粟粉
  3. 1/2茶匙胡椒粉,塗勻魚身,再將羌片放入魚肚內
  4. 用碟盛魚,將調味品塗於魚身上
  5. 加上羌絲,葱粒,紅辣椒,放在滾水鍋內
  6. 蒸約10分鐘至熟,取出放上芫茜
  7. 上桌供食
  8. 此魚簡單易做,美味可口,是佐膳佳餚