• 400 g Searay Anchovy
  • 1 tbsp Flour
  • Garlic
  • 2 tbsp Honey
  • 1 tbsp Vietnamese Fish Sauce
  • 1 tsp Chili powder
  • Salt, Oil

White Anchovy | Black Anchovy


  1. Wash the anchovy. Remove the head and gut of anchovy. Wash them again. Put anchovy into a basket and wait until dry
  2. Marinate the anchovy with 1 tsp of salt. Wait about 30 minutes. Then, cover the anchovy by flour
  3. Add some oil into a pot. Heat the pot. When the oil is hot, add the anchovy into the pot and fry about 5 minutes
  4. Put them out, wait about 3-5 minutes and fry again
  5. Bring the anchovy out. Put it into a plate which lined paper towel
  6. Remove the cover of garlic. Crush the garlic
  7. Add the honey, sauce and chili powder into a small bowl. Mix them together
  8. Add 1 tsp of oil and crushed garlic into a pan. Dry the garlic
  9. Slowly add the honey, water and sauce into the pan. Heat the pan
  10. Add the dried anchovy into the pan. Mix until the sauce cover all anchovy
  11. Continue dry until the sauce become dry, then turn off the stove
  12. Plate up and serve


  • 400克  海威野生鳳尾魚
  • 1 湯匙 麵粉
  • 蒜頭
  • 2 湯匙 蜜糖
  • 1 湯匙 越南魚露
  • 1 茶匙 辣椒粉
  • 鹽, 油

White Anchovy | Black Anchovy


  1. 把魚清洗乾淨,去頭去腸後再清洗乾淨,然後把魚放在籃子裡待乾
  2. 把一茶匙鹽均勻地抹在魚身上, 待約30分鐘,然後再沾上麵粉
  3. 在鍋裡下油,待油滾起後放入魚,炸至約5分鐘
  4. 把魚撈起並待大約3-5分鐘,然後再下鍋翻炸
  5. 把魚撈起,放在已鋪上吸油紙的碟上
  6. 蒜頭去衣並打成蓉
  7. 在小碗裡加入蜜糖,魚露及辣椒粉並攪勻成醬汁
  8. 加一茶匙油及蒜蓉在煎鍋裡,炒至乾身
  9. 慢慢加入醬汁
  10. 加入魚並令每條魚都均勻地沾上醬汁
  11. 炒至收汁,關火
  12. 上碟便可食用