- 1 pound Catfish Fillets
- 2 tbsp oliver oil
- 1/4 cup lime juice
- 1 cup white wine
- 2 tbsp dry mustard
- 2 tbsp chili powder
- 2 tsp freshly ground pepper
- ½ cup chopped fresh cilantro
- ½ tsp salt
- Preheat grill or grill pan
- Whisk olive oil with lime juice, wine, mustard, chili powder, pepper, cilantro and salt
- Split marinade into 2 bowls, saving one to use for basting
- Place fish into other bowl and marinate for 15 minutes
- Drain fish and discard marinade
- Lay fish on cooking spray coated grill or grill pan
- Cook 3 minutes per side basting with remaining marinade, until fish flakes
- 1 磅 鯰魚柳
- 2 湯匙 橄欖油
- 1/4 杯 青檸汁
- 1 杯 白酒
- 2 湯匙 芥末
- 2 湯匙 辣椒粉
- 2 茶匙 原粒胡椒
- ½ 杯 切碎的新鮮香菜
- ½ 茶匙 鹽
- 預熱烤架或烤盤
- 把橄欖油青檸汁,酒,芥末,辣椒粉,辣椒,香菜和鹽拌勻
- 拆分醃成2碗,保存一個用於塗抹
- 將魚柳放入其中一碗醃料裡,醃15分鐘
- 取出魚柳並丟棄醃料
- 把魚柳放在烤架或烤盤上
- 把剩下的醃料鋪在魚上及底部, 並每邊烤炙煮3分鐘,直到魚熟透