• 8  Searay Rabbitfish
  • 2 pieces dried tangerine peel
  • 2 tbsp spring onion
  • 1 1/2 tbsp peanut oil
  • 2 tsp soy sauce for seafood


  1. Thaw fish, clean and pat dry
  2. Soak the dried tangerine peel in hot water for 10-15 minutes unit soft enough to chop
  3. Chop peel into thin slices, the thinner the better
  4. Sprinkle evenly over the fish and steam over high heat for 8 minutes
  5. Remove from heat. Sprinkle spring onions over
  6. Add boiling oil
  7. Add the soy sauce at the sides of the dish to finish the sauce


  • 8 條  海威去肚泥猛魚
  • 2 塊  乾陳皮
  • 2 湯匙  青蔥
  • 1 1/2 湯匙  花生油
  • 2 茶匙 蒸魚醬油


  1. 泥猛解冰,洗凈,吸乾.
  2. 用熱水浸泡陳皮大約10-15分鐘直至陳皮軟身
  3. 陳皮切絲,越幼越好。均勻地灑在魚身上並大火蒸8分鐘
  4. 離火。撒上青蔥
  5. 灒以滾油
  6. 在盤子週邊淋上醬油
  7. 上桌供食